Basic Camera Follow In Unity

Ben Pielstick
1 min readJun 2, 2021

The easiest way to get a camera to follow your character is to make your character the camera's parent. This can be a little too exact, though, so there is another option: using Cinemachine.

Drop your player character game object in the Follow field of a Cinemachine virtual camera

Once you have a Cinemachine virtual camera set up, you have much more control over exactly how the camera follows your character. By making adjustments to these settings, you can most likely find the right look and feel for most simple games. However, you may need more features for more complex games, which you can get either by creating them yourself in C#, or using a pre-built camera from the Unity asset store. Personally, I recommend putting the emphasis where you can add the most value, which most likely isn’t something like developing camera features of your game, so if you need a more fully featured camera, your best bet is probably to license one from someone who has already put the effort in to create one that will almost certainly do what you need it to at minimal cost to you.



Ben Pielstick

Game developer with over 12 years of experience, mainly focused on MMOs.